Faith in Fertility
Faith in Fertility
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Sara Smith is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
We are Devan and Sara Smith, thank you for checking out our fundraiser! A little about us: we have been married since 2014 and have been fighting and trying to start our family since our honeymoon. Sara is an elementary teacher and Devan works in private security in Wichita, Kansas. We are both in our early 30s, born again Christian’s, and are good human beings who will move Heaven and Earth for our family. We are asking, begging, pleading, and praying for a miracle (or three!).
Our infertility journey has been rough on us physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. After years of surgeries, doctors visits, fertility medicine, and miscarriages we are worn thin. When Sara was 13 she was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cysts. So rare, at that time she was the 8th documented case in the WORLD. This diagnosis is pre-cancerous and any cyst can turn cancerous at any time, so to prevent further health problems she has undergone so many surgeries and procedures that we have lost count. To keep her healthy she has had a fallopian tube and more than 3/4 of her ovaries removed over the years. The ovaries, while small, still produce eggs but her count is low and chances to conceive naturally or without medical intervention are less than 1%. We have, despite this data, rejoiced and then grieved through 6 pregnancies and early first term miscarriages.
Our options are limited and have been laid out for us: IVF (to greatly increase our chance of viable embryos), adoption, or to give up.
We haven’t worked this hard and this long to give up (although we have been tempted… we’re exhausted!), however we are severely hindered by the invisible ticking clock. We have no idea how much longer Sara will be able to produce eggs with her limited count, and there is no way we can raise the funds on our own. We have never tried IVF, and while we are open to adoption to build our family, either route we take will be expensive. For the time being we would like to pursue IVF to build our family, for as long as we are physically capable of doing so.
We are trusting God and the medical community to grant us the opportunity to be parents, but we are asking for your help to financially support us on this journey by donating to this fundraiser or to us directly. We would be honored and grateful for any help given to us. We’ve always heard “it takes a village to raise children”, and in our case it will take a village to make it possible to have children in the first place! Even $5 would mean the world to us and help us to fight for our family. If you are unable to donate please consider sharing our fundraiser. We keep our circles small and tight knit, so any extra exposure to our cause we can get we will gladly take. We are blessed to have you join us on this journey!
Thank you for your time and consideration. 💖💙
Name | Donation | Date |
Lori Nicholson | $20.00 | July 12, 2023 |
Susan SMITH | $100.00 | July 10, 2023 |
Suzanne Bailey | $40.00 | July 09, 2023 |
Jody McCoy | $20.00 | July 01, 2023 |
Andrea Knott | $20.00 | July 01, 2023 |

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Sara Smith is organizing this fundraiser.